Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Branding - time to get serious

Now I'm out on my own, I've been thinking about Lisa Dyer as a brand. What am I? What is my style? How do I become 'a brand'?

Branding and marketing are two different but equally important things. Up until now, I've focused on marketing; getting my name out there, setting up profiles on exposure sites, that type of thing. Now it's time to start thinking about branding.

Firstly, I've had to do something that maybe, just a little bit, goes against the grain. I've embraced my pink side. Now, I've got nothing against pink as a colour but me and pink - chalk and cheese. Pink to me is soft and fluffy and, well, I'm not. However, if I am to have a brand for my novels then pink it is.

I made some new headers using Canva but first, I tapped into the HTML and CSS of my website and found a colour I liked for the background. This has now been carried across to represent Lisa Dyer Author in her role of contemporary romantic novelist. I also found an image I liked to symbolise this person. There is a good reason for this which I will come to in a moment.

Next, I found a font I liked - Reisling - and deployed it on my website. It's got a good retro feel to it. I like it. Sadly, Google fonts don't carry it so I've not been able to use it here and my limited coding knowledge has meant I can't add it but, maybe someone out there will help me out!

I then gathered a palette of complementing colours to complete the look:

pulling them all together in a Branding Doc.

The reason for all of this is simple. I have two works that I wish to publish but which are very different to contemporary romance fiction. So, I want to create a look for both that demarks one from the other. I will probably publish the new work, which is supernatural fiction, under a pseudonym to stop confusion but it will have its own branding and marketing.

So, there you have it. I've embraced the pink. Embraced my brand and looking forward to sharing more with you.